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Re: Question: True non-interactive network based install

>>>>> On Wed, 3 May 2000 10:52:22 -0400 , Dennis Behrens <Dennis.Behrens@harborfund.com> said:

    > Recently I've been considering working on creating a network
    > based install for Debian, along the lines of HP's Ignite-UX or
    > Sun's Jumpstart.

    > Sooo, this leads me to Debian.  What I would like to do is take
    > a floppy, boot from it, and then have it query a server for the
    > base files, and other packages that I want installed, and any
    > config files that I have changed and put on that server to use,
    > partition the drive (/ and swap, minimally).  In the end I have
    > an non-interactive install of a debian image that I create
    > interactively on the boot server, and once that machine has
    > installed itself, I can then forget about it.  If I have a
    > problem with that machine later, I just force a re-install.
    > Essentially I'm trying to set up a web farm of Debian boxes and
    > simple enough our pc techs / interns can handle it without
    > having to know diddly about UN*X in general.  And where I would
    > still maintain control of the boxes (ie root and base configs).

It's exactly what fai (fully automatic installation) does. Currently
fai is ported to run with potato, and soon there will be a Debian
package. The new version of fai will have new features and a new
directory layout. You have only to wait for some weeks, that the first
beta fai  package should be out there.

For first information llok at


            Thomas Lange
Institut fuer Informatik        mailto:lange@informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
   Universitaet zu Koeln
            Pohligstr. 1        Telefon: +49 221 470 5303
             50969 Koeln        Fax    : +49 221 470 5317

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