Re: Release-critical Bugreport for April 28, 2000
> > Package: acroread (debian/non-free)
> > Package: glimpse (debian/non-free)
> > Package: jdk1.1 (debian/non-free)
> > Package: jdk1.1-dev (debian/non-free)
> > Package: ssh-nonfree (non-US/non-free)
> > Package: qmail (debian/non-free)
> Non-free mark it [REMOVE]
A lot of people depend on ssh. I think removing it would be a bad
idea. The "free" version is not the drop-in replacement it claims
to be.
I think Acroread is also a semi-important package to have. PDFs are
quite common and it looks good on us to have the standard viewer
> > Package: cdrecord (debian/main)
> Havn't we others cd-burners?
Yes, though as someone just starting to use a CD-RAM, I've only been
able to get "cdrecord" to actually work. Despite what the bug says,
the latest frozen version of cdrecord did not exhibit the described
behavior for me. Granted, I've only burned one disk so far, and it
is on an ATAPI (SCSI over IDE) drive instead of a pure SCSI one.
> Flame away. We won't ever release if we're not being cynical about
> critical bugs.
Agreed. I haven't looked at most of them, but I always found that
many people mark bugs release-critical just because it's important
to them; they don't really fall into those severities.
( )
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