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Re: apt-get update, a wishlist feature as tag in cvs

On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 09:17:40AM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 02:01:54PM +0800, zhaoway wrote:
> > Is there a feature for ``apt-get upgrade'' as the ``tag'' in the world
> > of CVS? I'd like to have this feature, because:
> > 
> > 1) Some packages update very often, and I just use them not so much
> > often, that I don't want to keep up with every patch level of it.
> > especially when this patch is just a packaging patch. ;-)
> > 
> > 2) Some packages are very big for dial-up users, for us, the ``cvs dist-
> > upgrade'' usualy being ``blocked'' by them. And there is really not so
> > many critical reasons for everyone to keep up with every patch level
> > while trying keeping h{is,er} system ``relatively'' update.
> run dselect and mark as "Hold" (press H) any packages which you don't
> want to be automatically upgraded.

As a user, i think this is paintfull. For example if i wanted to
upgrade all my packages only when the upstream version number change
and not when only the debian version number change i would have to go
throught every packages and check version numbers then "unhold" all
the packages that have a new upstream version number,then install the
whole, then "hold" them bask i want to ugrade. Or, if i was a
developer, i would a script to do the same thing.. and this packages
would be call apt-get-upstream-update or so on....

> Held packages will NOT be automatically upgraded by 'apt-get
> dselect-upgrade' or 'apt-get dist-upgrade'. they can, however, still be
> upgraded manually.

Manually is, i think, the problem.

> remember to mark it Hold again after upgrading. e.g

User may not remember well if they do this for a bunch of packages

The great thing would be a script that:

1°) list all packages that qualify a criteria (where the criteria
could be a chnge between the old and new version: new upstream version
number, new 'tag', new epoch, new dependency or anything )
2°) mark all of them as install
3°) run apt-get dist-upgrade or whatever install those packages
4°) restore the prvious state for our list of packages

and then call this apt-get limited-upgrade and use a conffile for the
limited criterias.  In fact when you do a normal apt-get upgrade, the
criterai is 'any change on the version number'. If this idea of
limited upgrade is extended one would be abble to add very powerfull
criterias based on the names, dependency, priority or even the
description. I'm sure it is possible to access to these fields for the
current installed version and the new version so it should be feasible.

The coolest thing would be to be abble to access the changelog to
check for bug closing. And one one would say in his conffile 'upgrade
packages when bug #98765 is closed' etc... 


Fabrice Gautier <gautier@email.enst.fr>
yo-yo, n.:
	Something that is occasionally up but normally down.
	(see also Computer).

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