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Re: Where is libgl?

>>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@debian.org> writes:

    Joseph> Yeah, well um if Mesa 3.1 doesn't get into the archive
    Joseph> with Glide support, I'm uploading it myself.  I've had
    Joseph> working glquake for literally months, since early
    Joseph> September but I couldn't package it because I couldn't
    Joseph> meet its depends.

    Joseph> I'm sorry but not letting Mesa 3.1 get into potato now
    Joseph> REALLY steps on my toes and I will be very unhappy if my
    Joseph> free quake packages get pulled for unresolvable
    Joseph> dependencies.

Joseph, I'm not trying to step on your toes here! I agree that Mesa
3.1 should get into the archives -- but I'm just trying (like you) to
say that it should NOT replace Mesa 3.0.


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