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simple book question

hello good folks..

ive been looking for a forum to ask this question and this may be as good as
it gets.  a simple one.  a suggestion.

im in the process of learning as much as i can about unix, linux and debian.
starting out in the beginning (like one should) im reading a book called
"The UNIX Programming Environment" by Kerningham and Pike.  my guess is that
you all are familiar with it.  nb: quite something when a book written in
1984 is still quite valuable today!

in the book they keep mentioning a 2 volume set of books called "The UNIX
Programmer's Manual".  the books run about ~45-50 US$ and im just wondering:
are they worth it?  i would recommend "The UNIX Programming Environment" to
anyone.  should i drop the coins on "The UNIX Programmer's Manual" VOL I &

thanks a bunch.  i figure that if any folks were to know the answer,
debian-devel would be a good place to look (start).

again, thanks for your time.. best wishes  ~ari

ps.  i trust i didnt err with this mailing list.  if so, big sorries.  is
there a better list to look at?

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