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Re: RSA key in GNUPG

On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, Joseph Carter wrote:

> > From my tests i could encrypt a message with gpg and a RSA key but
> > pgp was not able to decode it - So there is a technical
> > limitation.

> # force-v3-sigs
> # rfc1991
> # digest-algo md5

> I have these commented out in favor of openpgp, but if you want pgp2
> to be able to use the cyphertext, uncomment them.

> This much at least is in the FAQ and manpages.

I tried out to run gpg with the following options:

gpg --no-options \
    --load-extension rsa \
    --load-extension idea \
    --rfc1991 \
    --cipher-algo idea \
    --digest-algo md5 \
    --keyring /home/roland/.pgp/pubring.pgp \
    --secret-keyring /home/roland/.pgp/secring.pgp \

The --no-options at the beginning should help avoiding any different
settings in ~/.gnupg/options, so the above should be all.

I created 3 test messages with this using GnuPG 0.9.10, one plaintext
signed, one encrypted and one signed and encrypted. 

Then I switched to PGP 2.6.3in and tried to read this messages.  This
program had not problem to verify the plaintext signature, but when
accessing the two encrypted messages, it only gives me the message
"Error: Decrypted plaintext is corrupted." after asking for the
(correct entered) pass phrase.

I tried to read the messages with PGP 5.0i and 6.5.1 and both of them
were able to verify the plaintext message, but when accessing the
encrypted messages they both don't show any output after asking for
the pass phrase.

Because of these problems with all PGP versions except GnuPG, I think
that GnuPG is the problem here, which doesn't create compatible
encrypted messages.  Do you know what I did wrong?  Maybe you can send 
me a more correct command line (with --no-options) or a complete
options file for gpg to emulate PGP 2?



 * roland@spinnaker.de * http://www.spinnaker.de/ *
 PGP: 1024/DD08DD6D   2D E7 CC DE D5 8D 78 BE  3C A0 A4 F1 4B 09 CE AF

Attachment: pgpWeL4MtmG_b.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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