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Re: itp: static bins / resolving static debian issues

* Marco d'Itri said:

>  >      as well as ensuring that you can get to sash as root: su, 
>  >      and sulogin will have to have static versions as well. In fact
>  >      these are run so rarely I don't see why they can't be static 
>  >      by default--but if people yell, we can have separate static
> I don't even want to look at your packages if you think su is a rarely
> used command.
Hmm... For another time - there will be TWO versions of su and whatever one,
dynamically linked, in /bin - you use it by default and another in
/bin/static - when you need it, you just do

export PATH=/bin/static:$PATH


setenv PATH /bin/static:$PATH

and use the static version. Having said that, I still don't understand
where's the problem?

> And you need many more static commands if you want to login to a broken
> system, at least getty and login too.
No. It's been said in this thread that they aren't needed - we assume
they're in memory - so they still work. Yous in-memory libs aren't fubar,
it's your stuff stored on HDD which got hosed.
>  >   -- root's shell be set to sash by default, if sash is installed
> Very, very bad. Instead add to /etc/passwd something like:
> toor:x:0:0:Emergency root account:/root:/bin/sash
> If the system uses shadow password the account will have root password.
> If not the admin will change the password, if he cares about sash.
Yes that's a way, but not an universal one - if you want to boot in a single
mode with a static shell, then you'll get the root's shell, not the toor's
(that's unless you use init=/bin/sash on the command line, of course which
we assume most users won't know) - sulogin looks up root, not toor. And sash
(or static ash - whatever you want) as root's shell doesn't hurt, it is JUST
for the root's prompt, nothing else.


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