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Re: how to make Debian less fragile (long and philosophical)

On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 09:39:22PM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 07:49:13PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
> >   1. on the LILO: prompt type "emergency" and tap ENTER
> And what is someone who didn't know how to type "init=/bin/sash" going
> to at this point to "diagnose the problem"? Let's be honest here: a user
> with enough experience to correctly diagnose a problem serious enough to
> cripple the system _already_ knows enough to use the available tools.
> Adding an easy way into the rescue system buys us nothing but a confused
> user with a broken system that managed to get into single user mode. 
One step at a time, my friend, one step at a time.  If you needed to know
1M things before to diagnose the problem, now you only need to know
1,048,575 things.

Also, it means you don't have to explain to hold down shift and type
init=/bin/sash real quick to your grandmother.  You have to explain to hold
down shift and type emergency (though IMHO "recovery" would be better under
the don't-panic theory... especialy if you are doing consumer tech support),
which is, yes, only a hair better, but better it is.

	-=- James Mastros
When considering matters of scale, it is oft important to remember that
scales are made of matter.

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