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Re: (FINISH) Correct non-US solution


        I like the idea. But are we then in the position of practicing
 law (giving legal advice)? Would we be liable for these decisions? We
 may not be any worse off than we are now, but so far we only make
 decisions about what is and is not legally exportable from the US,
 and that is very public knowledge. Extending this to other areas may
 take us into grayer areas.

look before we leap

>>"Jonathan" == Jonathan Walther <krooger@debian.org> writes:

 Jonathan> Since the main (but not exclusive) use of non-US right now
 Jonathan> is for crypto software, we might want to create a
 Jonathan> Crypto-Regulations package which contains references to
 Jonathan> which countries restrict import and export of crypto, and
 Jonathan> how, with references to appropriate legislation and
 Jonathan> documentation.

 Jonathan> This would save every maintainer of a crypto package from
 Jonathan> having to go hunting down the information, and in fact
 Jonathan> could be made a part of Debian Policy for crypto packages
 Jonathan> to respect it.

 Jonathan> Don't think of this as added work: think of it as doing
 Jonathan> right something which has only been half-done up to now.
 Jonathan> The US is not the only country with restrictions on
 Jonathan> software.  Our source of possible countries in which to
 Jonathan> host our non-US mirrors seems to shrink every year.

 Q: What do you call a blind, deaf-mute, quadraplegic Virginian? A:
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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