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Re: Hey, Y'all, check out my new improved "Free Software Research Paper Project" web site!

Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> >>>>> "brock" == R Brock Lynn <brock@cyberdude.com> writes:
> brock> And you really can't argue with a FEELING.
> Oh -- well, I guess not.  In fact, that kinda points out that there's
> no really reason for carrying on any further debate.

Well the debate may end, but you can then extend a bit into a "feeling" state.
Where you let your mind attempt to come to harmony with the natural
surroundings... And then whatever route shows itself as a good or best way to
go, that's the route you follow. Sounds a bit funky I know.... but hell.... why
not? (If you are having trouble choosing a particular route to journey through
in the future, then follow your heart...)

Why did the mountain climber climb the mountain? Because it was *there*.

I think the Asian cultures have mastered the non-verbal / feeling / emotional
communication to levels never achieved in the west. I have adapted over time
after making lasting friendships with many Asian friends, mostly Japanese. They
frequently communicate on the street with facial expression, body language, and
grunts, rather than with words alone. There is a term in Japanese called
"harahgeh", or "belly language". The meaning of this word is the ability to
communicate emotionally, mostly by non-verbal expression. Sometimes logic is
used to eventually cause a change of heart or mood. Well, I say why not just
change the heart itself directly, rather than go through logic to eventually
persuade you into a certain feeling, when I could just impart that feeling upon
you immediately?

> brock> Yes, I don't doubt you have much experience... but only in
> brock> "your neck of the woods". I feel like I'm seeing things from a
> brock> bit more of a grander perspective, and you are allowing the
> brock> local trees to blind your view of the forest overall.  All I
> brock> ask is for you to stretch yourself, let yourself grow just a
> brock> little bit more. Allow yourself to be just a little more open
> brock> minded. Please try! That's *all* I ask.

> This is just insulting.  I've contributed untold hours to free
> software over the past 8 years (they still credit me for some NCSA
> httpd stuff), I have spearheaded the release of software written and
> paid for by my company (onShore) under the GPL.  What have *you* done?

Sorry. I didn't mean to sound derogatory, condescending, or insulting. :(
But instead to recognize people like yourself who have helped to get us where we
are today! But this is not the end of the story. There is more to this tale to
unfold in the coming years. As much great things as you have done, there will
always be more that can be done. All I'm saying is don't let it end here, but
rather help the "next generation" of "hackers" to learn the craft and the
perfect it even further!

> >> You really should take up this discussion at the FSB (free software
> >> business) list; a very good, well-balanced, knowledgable list.

Ok. I subscribed. I'll see what I can learn from them. Real life can tell you
some very interesting tales. Indeed, truth can be stranger than fiction. ;^)

> brock> Interesting, what's the address to subscribe and such?
>    <fsb-subscribe@crynwr.com>:
>    Receive future messages sent to the mailing list.
>    <fsb-unsubscribe@crynwr.com>:
>    Stop receiving messages.
> These guys really know their shit -- they'll roast you even harder
> than I have.  Or ignore you, which is maybe what I should have done.

I'd assume that getting roasted is better than being ignored?! (=:]

hrmmm... :)


---------------------  PGP key ID: FED76A3D <brock@cyberdude.com> 4 / 5 / 1999

   __ _    Debian GNU           R. Brock Lynn <brock@nettronix.net>
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