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Re: Hey, Y'all, check out my new improved "Free Software Research Paper Project" web site!

>>>>> "brock" == R Brock Lynn <brock@cyberdude.com> writes:

brock> And you really can't argue with a FEELING.

Oh -- well, I guess not.  In fact, that kinda points out that there's
no really reason for carrying on any further debate.

brock> Yes, I don't doubt you have much experience... but only in
brock> "your neck of the woods". I feel like I'm seeing things from a
brock> bit more of a grander perspective, and you are allowing the
brock> local trees to blind your view of the forest overall.  All I
brock> ask is for you to stretch yourself, let yourself grow just a
brock> little bit more. Allow yourself to be just a little more open
brock> minded. Please try! That's *all* I ask.

This is just insulting.  I've contributed untold hours to free
software over the past 8 years (they still credit me for some NCSA
httpd stuff), I have spearheaded the release of software written and
paid for by my company (onShore) under the GPL.  What have *you* done?

>> You really should take up this discussion at the FSB (free software
>> business) list; a very good, well-balanced, knowledgable list.

brock> Interesting, what's the address to subscribe and such?

   Receive future messages sent to the mailing list.

   Stop receiving messages.

These guys really know their shit -- they'll roast you even harder
than I have.  Or ignore you, which is maybe what I should have done.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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