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Re: Abacus Portsentry License

<Lurking Non-Developer emerges>
	I've actually had several contacts with the author of portSentry 
(whom also wrote hostSentry & logcheck) and have also beta test'd hostSentry
for him... From my communications I've found him to be quite responsive to
suggestions... If there is any changes that need to be made to portSentry
I would make them to him and chances are they would be made... For one I've
talk'd with him before about possibly packaging portSentry for Debian but had
not registered at the time and mention'd the fact that config files would 
need to be changed for Debian and he mention'd that he had been planning to 
move the config files to a different hierarchy... So chances are he would be
willing to move the config files and thus removing that need for modifications
on the part of Debian...
	From my experience portSentry is a very nice utility for intrusion 
detection coupled with both hostSentry and logcheck... This could also lend 
itself to modules for portSentry as I had a external module that would get
call'd when portSentry would be triggered... 
	Before deciding to just accept portSentry as being non-free on the 
basis of the current wording of the license I would suggest having an indepth
discussion with the author with proposed changes and see if they can't be
made in a public release or if he is willing to modify the license for a 
future release which would lend itself more to the DFSG and be able to be a
part of main...
</Lurker submerges once more>

	Jeremy T. Bouse
	Software Engineer
	Netsurfer, Inc.

Ben Pfaff decided to waste my bandwidth saying:
> Rene Mayrhofer <rmayr@vianova.at> writes:
>    As I am new to creating Debian packages, I am not sure if Abacus Portsentry's
>    license allows it to be put in the main (or if it has to go into non-free)
>    section. The program is free to use by anybody and can be distributed in
>    any form, the only problem is that the author prohibits modifications he
>    is not aware of.
> That sounds non-free to me.
>    Please could somebody check it (at www.psionic.com) ?  
>    I have a written statement by the Author that he allows packages (including
>    the needed minor modifications on scripts and Makefiles) to be made and that
>    Portsentry can be included in a distribution if the distribution is not sold
>    because of Portsentry.
> Please post the full license and the author's statement to
> debian-legal@lists.debian.org.  By doing that you'll get everyone
> who's interested in licensing issues to read through it and comment.

| Jeremy T. Bouse  -  UnderGrid Network Services, LLC  -   www.UnderGrid.net  |
|     PGP ID/Fingerprint: 1024/E83D9AE5/4ACC03F098D78198 19D0593E50E597E9     |
|   Public PGP key available via PGP keyserver at http://pgp.UnderGrid.net    |
| undrgrid@UnderGrid.net  -  NIC Whois: JB5713  -  Jeremy.Bouse@UnderGrid.net |
|      promotion, n.: New title, new salary, new office, same old crap.       |

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