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Re: Are there any DEB for RHIDE already?


Ysgrifennodd pguerreiro@bigfoot.com ar Tue, Apr 27, 1999 at 12:29:27AM +0100:
> IIRC, some time ago someone (don't remenber who) posted an ITP RHIDE.
> Is it done already? I thinking about trying this package, and if someone
> already made a DEB, even if not officially it saved me the touble.

I did file an intent to package against RHIDE.  However, it's horribly
i386-specific, and I didn't have access to an i386 Linux box at that time, so
nothing actually happened.  If you want to take it, that's fine.  The author
put something in about the Turbo Vision librarys being non distributable, but
he was confused about the license, and the next release should have a correct
license.  I think it can go into main.

Oh, and it needs a special libgdb to build.

Diolch, Edward.

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