Re: Namespace collision
Le Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 09:10:40PM +0100, Edward Betts écrivait:
> It is not allowed that two packages install programs with different
> functionality but with the same filenames. (The case of two programs
> having the same functionality but different implementations is handled
> via `alternatives.') If this case happens, one of the programs has to
> be renamed. The maintainers should report this to the developers'
> mailing and try to find a consensus about which package will have to
> be renamed. If a consensus can not be reached, _both_ programs must be
> renamed.
Vim should not be changed. The image viewer is the most recent and will not
suffer from being called gpictureview or gviewer instead.
Hertzog Raphaël >> 0C4CABF1 >>
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