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Re: a history question

On Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 11:34:33AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
> When was Debian distribution first named "Debian GNU/Linux"?
> Was it while the FSF was sponsoring the project?

It was named Debian GNU/Linux almost from the very beginning, in 1993.

Ian Murdock had just started work on Debian, as a pretty much one-man
operation, and had posted about this prospective distribution to USENET.

Shortly thereafter, to his surprise, he found mail from RMS in his mailbox,
offering him a cash grant to get Debian off the ground.

In early-mid 1996, three important things happened:

1) Ian Murdock stepped down as project leader (more or less resigning as a
developer in the process), appointing Bruce Perens as his successor
2) A bit of a rift developed between the FSF and Debian -- over technical
issues like documentation, not stuff like software licenses -- and the
Debian product was renamed to Debian Linux, dropping the GNU to symbolize
the split with the FSF.
3) The first official release of Debian, version 1.1 (because InfoMagic
screwed up and soiled the reputation of 1.0 before it was even released),
was made.

Even though Debian was an FSF-sponsored project from early on, I don't
believe it was ever an official FSF project -- so RMS didn't put up the
fight over it that he did with the Xemacs or EGCS forks.

Debian Linux was, after a while (for 1.3?), renamed GNU/Linux to give
proper acknowledgement to the significance of GNU software in forming the
core of the operating system.

Nowadays, the relationship between RMS and Debian is much warmer, possibly
because the success of GNU/Linux systems in general over the past few years
have made RMS realize that we can't let sqabbles over shipping
documentation in texinfo format or not stand in the way of World
Domination.  :)

Seriously though, I don't know in detail the reasons for the breach with
RMS or for the thaw in relations.

There are probably some other folks out there who can give a better history
lesson; I've only been using Debian since 0.93R6, and only a developer
for a little over a year.

G. Branden Robinson              |
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   Mob rule isn't any prettier just because
branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |   you call your mob a government.
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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