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Re: Where is the source code for fvwm95 2.0.43a?

On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 03:51:03PM -0600, Jor-el wrote:
> Darren,
> 	I am not sure how to read your statements. Your first comment
> states that (contrary to my assertion) the source code distributed with
> Slink matches up with the binary version of fvwm95 that is in Slink. Your
> second comment says that the situation I described (source code mismatch)
> is a known flaw - which to me, reads like an acknolwedgement that there is
> a source code mismatch.
I was saying that there is no mismatch source... and a known problem is our
retaining source code for the length of time required by the GPL...

> 	I still have a very large mismatch in file sizes between the
> packaged up binaries, and the binaries that I built. Can someone explain
> away these (sometimes by a factor of 10) mismatches?
Have no idea...

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