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Re: gnome-apt worry

>>>>> "DS" == Dave Swegen <dave@recursive.prestel.co.uk> writes:

    DS> I tried out gnome at the weekend and thought "nice for beginners, extra
    DS> bloat for me". So I'm hoping that gnome-apt isn't going to rely on
    DS> the gnome-libs, [...]

If I am not mistaking, it appears that gnome-apt depends on the following
gnome-specific packages (with respective installed sizes):

$ dpkg -s liborbit0 | fgrep Installed-Size:
Installed-Size: 640
$ dpkg -s libgnorba27| fgrep Installed-Size:
Installed-Size: 55
$ dpkg -s gnome-bin| fgrep Installed-Size:
Installed-Size: 478
$ dpkg -s libgnome31| fgrep Installed-Size:
Installed-Size: 930

Considering the programming benefits of using the gnome-libs, at least from
the point of view of disk occupation it is hard to say that an extra 2M is a

Rafael Laboissiere, Debian developer
Institut de la Communication Parlee | Email: rafael@icp.inpg.fr
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