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Re: New section in potato?

On Sat, Dec 12, 1998 at 08:20:00PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
> > Gnome is a category unto itself really.  Gnome applications are hardly
> > standalone, same with KDE.
> If some one wants to see all the GUI based cvs apps available they go to
> devel. What about a gnome-cvs program (is there one?), they would still
> look in devel, but to find it they have to go to gnome/. Are you
> suggesting they must go look in two places everytime they want to look for
> something (3 if KDE is there too)?

This is already a known problem.  Certainly the above suggestion does not
solve it, but it does not really add to it.

> When some one looks under devel or utils, they expect to see just that
> _everything_ that has to do with those categories.

You don't know that.  I don't know that.  I tend to ignore sections all
together, I have apt after all.  I thought and think still that under the
current system a directory for Gnome (and later for KDE) is probably a
good thing.  Unless of course we decide on a better solution to the
bigger problems with the system of sections we have now.

[ more arguments along the same token ]

> This would be something better suited for the package managers. dselect or
> apt being able to filter the package listing to just kde or just gnome
> based packages, not for physical directory structures.

Perhaps then physical directory structure should become irrelivant or
sorted in an arbitrary fashion such as an alphabetical layout?  It
wouldn't honestly matter one bit to the package subsystem.  It wouldn't
lend to finding packages by section, but if the package management front
end (be it apt or dselect or whatever else) can work with with packages
index and allow users to find the packages they want in a more natural
manner than currently allowed by dselect, maybe that would be best?

An interesting idea and one that has been presented before I'm certain.

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