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Re: KDE gone, Lyx next ?

On Sat, Oct 10, 1998 at 09:20:55AM +0200, Michael Meskes wrote:
> > Has it been verified that lyx can't be linked against fltk?  
> Just try and you see it won't compile. But I have not much knowledge about
> these toolkits so maybe someone can easily port it. Also I remember someone
> working on a gtk version. Is there anything out there?

There are those possibilities, but the lyx people will probably give
permission for linking with libforms since they clearly intend for that to
be done.  The biggest problem with KDE was outside code that was ported and
that the KDE people did not want to make the needed changes.  Has anyone yet
contacted the lyx people?

> IMO we should try to keep lyx. Or do we have an alternative to offer? With
> kde we could say try gnome which IMO is much better anyway.

This is not, I repeat -NOT- about whether or not we can replace KDE with
Gnome or we can replace lyx with anything else.  We should try to convince
the lyx people to make the changes we need to allow us to keep lyx, just as
we tried with KDE.

I agreed that KDE needed to be removed because of the license problems, NOT
because it was non-free code or anything so petty.

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