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Debian logo

On Fri, Oct 09, 1998 at 03:58:58PM -0500, Jeff Noxon wrote:
> I'd prefer a new logo as well (with no offense intended toward the kind
> person who created the current one!)
> But I can't draw, so I guess I should shut up.  :-)

I would prefer a new logo, too. We shouldn't draw it.
We should run a gimp contest. They produced the Gnome logo, and there are
artists as well as designer. They'll come up with a good, inspiring logo,
I'm sure. We should vote the winner.

Someone should write a proposal to be voted on when the constition is in
place. Maybe I'll do it. Please contact me if you want to work with me on
the exact wording.

> How did we arrive at the current logo?  My memory stinks.

Bruce made the decision after unfruitful efforts on the logo pages.


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
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