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Re: Intent to package: Debian-Bookmarks

>>>>> "CH" == Christian Hammers <ch@lathspell.westend.com> writes:

    CH> Hi !
    CH> I hereby formally "intent to package" the debian-bookmarks package ! :-)

    CH> It is a package that I like to create that - like the name says - 
    CH> just contains bookmarks. It is intendet for both, Linux newbies and
    CH> advanced users and will hopefully contains lots of usefull links about
    CH> Linux, computer as well as non-computer topics.
    CH> I had the idea because in this fast growing net, there are very much
    CH> information that you simply do not find, as well as many very good
    CH> and informative sites that everybody knows - except you :-)

    CH> So if you have links that you like -> mail them.
    CH> Ecspecially if you have national links.

    CH> read you,

    CH>    -christian-

    CH> Below the first idea of a  "directory structure". Ideas welcome.

    CH> /usr/bin/bookmarks-convert 
    CH> 	Converts html pages to bookmarks for several browsers like
    CH> 	netscape, lynx, <which one do YOU want>

    CH> /usr/share/debian-bookmarks/debian-bookmarks.html

Why don't you put it under the web hierarchy (/var/www) ? This way, it
would be available  to all browsers through  a server or directly from
the local file system.
Fred - May the source be with you

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