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Intent to package: Debian-Bookmarks

Hi !

I hereby formally "intent to package" the debian-bookmarks package ! :-)

It is a package that I like to create that - like the name says - 
just contains bookmarks. It is intendet for both, Linux newbies and
advanced users and will hopefully contains lots of usefull links about
Linux, computer as well as non-computer topics.
I had the idea because in this fast growing net, there are very much
information that you simply do not find, as well as many very good
and informative sites that everybody knows - except you :-)

So if you have links that you like -> mail them.
Ecspecially if you have national links.

read you,


Below the first idea of a  "directory structure". Ideas welcome.

	Converts html pages to bookmarks for several browsers like
	netscape, lynx, <which one do YOU want>

*	dwww and such things
*	national sites
	-	national search engines 
	- 	national FTP servers
	-	misc non-computer stuff
*	search						
	-	international normal- and meta-
	-	ftp
	-	email
	-	news
	-	listen
	-	special
	-	more_engines
* 	Linux
	-	Linux User Groups
	-	Distributions (yes, also the others :-))
	-	Projects (gnome,kde,dosemu..)
	-	Other Stuff
*	Documentation
	-	References (html,sql,C...)
	-	Web Sites (FAQ Archives...)
*	Programming
	-	Languages (incl. special FTP Sites)
	-	Projects (gnome,kernel..)
*	Games (linux-quake...) 
*	Security - Privacy - Cryptology
*	Misc

         Linux - the choice of the GNU generation !

Christian Hammers * Oberer Heidweg 35 * D-52477 Alsdorf * Tel: 02404-25624
50 3C 52 26 3E 52 E7 20  D2 A1 F5 16 C4 C9 D4 D3  1024/925BCB55 1997/11/01

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