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Re: Slink packages that depend on libstdc++2.8

>>>>> "Enrique" == Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@ull.es> writes:

    Ben> libstdc++2.9 is the only libstdc++ in slink.
    Ben> There are still many, many packages that depend on
    Ben> libstdc++2.8, including such trifles as dpkg and apt.
    Ben> I recommend libstdc++2.8 be reuploaded into slink; there's no
    Ben> reason for it not to be there for backwards compatibility.

    Enrique> The proper solution is rebuilding the "libstdc++2.8
    Enrique> dependent" packages with libstdc++2.9. As Guy said,
    Enrique> without a libstdc++2.8 package in slink the mantainers
    Enrique> will have an "additional push" to upload a new version of
    Enrique> their packages.

Right, but it's silly to be incompatible with all other Linux
distributions by refusing to ship a C++ library. I agree that
dpkg et al need to be recompiled against libstdc++2.9.


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