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Re: "goals" for slink: FHS

>>"Santiago" == Santiago Vila <sanvila@unex.es> writes:

 Santiago> No. What I have in mind is:

 Santiago> 2. As soon as slink is *frozen* (not when slink was
 Santiago>    released, or we would lose a lot of time!),
 Santiago>    FHS-compliant packages are allowed in the new unstable,
 Santiago>    and we make policy that the distribution after slink
 Santiago>    will be FHS-compliant. I don't think it would be wise to
 Santiago>    switch to FHS now, because we should have used all the
 Santiago>    time hamm was frozen to prepare the switch and we have
 Santiago>    not done that. Better to do it right.

	Oh. I see, you are saying we should postpose FHS compliance
 until after slink. I could live with that. 

	We should try and change our stategy on releases (possibly to
 the pool of packages idea) so that we release more often, and we do
 not need to be frozen for so long. 

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