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Re: text adventures

At 03:40 PM 7/24/98 , Steve Dunham wrote:
>If there is any computer science student looking for an interesting
>but small compiler project this would be a fun one to tackle.
>(Develop a language for adventure games and write a compiler that
>generates "z-code" or "zasm" instructions.)

That does sound interesting.  (Even timely, as I'm going to be starting a
course on compilers in about a month.)  Can you give me any pointers to
resources on the basics of z-code?


| Brian Bassett       | brianb@mail.wsu.edu               |
| EECS at WSU         | http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/~bbassett |
|     #define SIX 1+5                                     |
|     #define NINE 8+1                                    |
|     main() { printf("SIX * NINE = %d", SIX * NINE); }   |

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