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Re: RH and GNOME

On Tue, 21 Jul 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:
joey>Kysh Dragon wrote:
joey>> Here's an experiment for the masses.. go to www.redhat.com and find
joey>> information, within a few clicks, that RedHat is available for free
joey>> download. Heck, find Linux referred to as a free operating system anywhere
joey>> on the front page!
joey>Have you submitted the comment to the RedHat webmaster?  If not, then I
joey>don't think you've got a right to complain.  If the webmaster has refused
joey>you have all rights to complain, though, imho.

	Let's see , I heard about this redhat company.  Let me go to their
page ...  www.redhat.com .    Hmmm .. whats all this mean ?
	store...news...commercial support...about us...linux info....

	I'll pick 'about us'.  Now I'll take the first item 'About our
company'   I count two clicks .    This is what I get...

Red Hat Software is a computer software development company that sells
products and provides services related to Linux, a freely available
UN*X-like operating system. Linux has all the features of any full-fledged
operating system, but the nature of Linux enables Red Hat to offer higher
quality software solutions at lower cost. 

Red Hat's mission is to "provide professional tools to computing
professionals". As such we work with Linux development groups around the
world over the Internet to review, package, and develop Linux-based tools,
making them useful for computing professionals who do not have the time or
interest to keep up with the cutting edge of development. In the course of
this work Red Hat: 

  1. Builds tools, which we release as freely redistributable software
     available for unrestricted download off of thousands of sites on the
  2. Publishes books and software applications, provides technical
support, and
  3. Manufactures shrink-wrapped software, versions of the Linux OS,
making it accessible to the broadest possible range of computer users. 

Our customer-oriented business focus forces us to recognize that the
primary benefits of the Linux OS are not any of the particular advanced
and reliable features for which it is famous. The primary benefit is the
availability of complete source code, and its "freely distributable" GPL
license. This gives any user the ability to modify the technology to their
needs and to contribute to the ongoing development of the technology to
the benefit of all the users; providing benefits such as security and
reliability that commercially restricted, binary-only operating systems
simply cannot match.

Red Hat's products are tools for computing professionals. These tools are
being built cooperatively over the Internet. The Internet, in addition to
all its other uses, is the most advanced environment ever devised for
cooperative development of technical computing tools. At the same time, in
areas where the cooperative development model is not as effective, such as
in end-user tools and applications, we work with leading commercial
software developers to assist them to port their products to Linux. 

Red Hat Software's primary contributions to the Linux development model
are the thousands of lines of code we contribute and maintain as freely
distributable software under the terms of the GPL. We also contribute
financially in a significant way to a variety of Linux and GNU projects,
and hope you will join us in supporting this remarkable revolution in
computer technology development. 

John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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