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Re: RH and GNOME

On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 02:03:19PM -0500, Kysh Dragon wrote:
> > > Furthermore, this just frees our resources for other things, and since
> > > the whole ball of wax is GPLed, there's nothing they could do (even if
> > > they wanted to, which I don't think they do) that we couldn't correct.
> Not to put too fine a point on it, but I believe, as Manoj has said, while
> you can't retroactively license a work, you CAN relicense a work. Ergo,
> they could switch to entirely commercial licensing when they got enough
> market share and `newbie share' to not worry about the people they'd run
> off doing it.

	But they can't do that if it includes even a single
	patch from an outside source, not without a signed
	statement from every submitter. So, single-author/group
	GPL programs can change licenses, but community-based
	GPL programs can't.
tv-nospam-sig-1@hq.yok.utu.fi - it's a valid address w/o spam

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