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Re: Unidentified subject!

On Sat, 18 Jul 1998 debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org wrote:

: Hello,I'm user of GNU/Linux Debian 1.3.1 and I have the following
: problemI'm using BASH shell , and I want to change the .bashrc but I
: put:---------- .bashrc ---------# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for
: non-login shells.PS1="\\h\\$ "export PS1umask 022-----------
: ------------------and I put this at the end = alias ls='ls -a
: --color'This sentence have to show ls in color and don't show itI
: decide put other sentence to test = echo helloooooor = echo
: "helloooo"or = echo 'helloooo'and don't shows any hello at login or
: restart.In the /etc/passwd the shell of the root and of the users is
: bash:-------------- /etc/passwd
: --------root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashyop:x:1000:1000:,,,:/home/yop:/bin/bash--------------
: /etc/passwd --------and:I'd like to know how I can modify it and
: personalize and I need yourhelpThank you very muchGood Bye

[ Wow, weird lines ]

Well, Mr. Request, .bashrc is not evaluated by login shells -
.bash_profile is.  Non-login shells do evaluate .bashrc, however.

As Troy has pointed out, you can move your commands to .bash_profile so
that they will be evaluated by the login shell.

What I do is "source" my .bashrc in .bash_profile - this way both login
and non-login shells behave in a similar fashion.

The relevant command is `source' (see `help source').  Place a line in
.bash_profile like this:

	source ~/.bashrc

An alternative form is

	. ~/bashrc


Nathan Norman
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