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Proposing removal of three of my packages...

There are some packages that I maintain that I think should be removed from
the distribution.  These are:

 swish      - superceded by the DFSG-free swish-e

 www-search - the existing version usually doesn't work, and although the
	      updated version does, there's some potential question as to
	      whether a searchbot using this library isn't automatically in
	      violation of copyright.
 libpthread - the existing version has conflicts with glibc's version, and
              isn't, I'd guess, being used as a result.  I only ever
              upgraded from the 0.5 version as a favor to LIW

If anyone's using these, please speak up, so I can list them with the WNPP
as being orphaned instead of filing bug reports against ftp.debian.org to
have them summarily disposed of.



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