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Unidentified subject!

I'm user of GNU/Linux Debian 1.3.1 and I have the following problem

I'm using BASH shell , and I want to change the .bashrc but I put:

---------- .bashrc  ---------
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
PS1="\\h\\$ "
export PS1
umask 022
----------- ------------------

and I put this at the end = alias ls='ls -a --color'

This sentence have to show ls in color and don't show it

I decide put other sentence to test = echo hellooooo

or = echo "helloooo"

or = echo 'helloooo'

and don't shows any hello at login or restart.

In the /etc/passwd the shell of the root and of the users is bash:

--------------  /etc/passwd --------


--------------  /etc/passwd --------

I'd like to know how I can modify it and personalize and I need your

Thank you very much

Good Bye

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