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Re: xterminal alternatives.

From: Ben Gertzfield <che@debian.org>
Subject: Re: xterminal alternatives.
Date: 30 Jun 1998 13:22:28 -0700
Message-ID: <[🔎] yttd8bqod17.fsf@gilgamesh.cse.ucsc.edu>

che> The kterm and rxvt (any others?) developers could get together with
che> Branden Robinson (the current X maintainer) to get an update-alternatives
che> method set up to divert the xterm entry -- or perhaps just a generic
che> "x-terminal" symlink to whichever terminal one wants.

I found below:
in menu.h
#if you prefer an rxvt as your default terminal-programme, comment out
#the next lines, and uncomment the definition below
#function term()=\
#    "xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14 -geometry 80x30"\
#    " -T \"" title() "\"" ifnempty(icon()," -n " icon()) " -e " $command
function term()=\
    "xterm " ifnempty($visible,"-ut") \
        ifnempty($geometry,"-geometry ") $geometry \
        " -T \"" title() "\"" ifnempty(icon()," -n " icon()) " -e " $command

#function term()="rxvt"\
#       ifnempty(icon()," -n " icon()) -T "\"" $title "\" \
#       ifnempty($geometry,"-geometry " $geometry)  -e " $command

Is the best way to solve this problem to follow above or your suggestions?
#The former is that we must be added new entry in it if we want to use
#another terminal , such as kterm, I think.

Masato Taruishi <taruis-m@jed.uec.ac.jp> | University of Electro Comunications
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