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Re: Having a non-free and a non-cd branch?

On Jun 29, Brian Mays wrote:
> quango@ix.netcom.com (Chris Lawrence) wrote:
> > In any event, we could always say "While we provide 'cd-ok' as a
> > service to CD-ROM vendors, it is ultimately your responsibility to
> > determine whether you are permitted to distribute these packages."
> Then what's the point?  How are you saving anyone any time if CD-ROM
> vendors need to check the copyrights anyway?  I would assume that if a
> CD-ROM vendor is not interested in looking through non-free to determine
> what he can distribute, he will not use such a cd-ok directory either.

Valid point... in any event, I think the discussion of the
"non-free-reasons" file (or whatever it would be called) is more in the
right direction here...

|         Chris Lawrence        |               My home page:               |
|     <quango@ix.netcom.com>    |     http://www.clark.net/pub/lawrencc/    |
|                               |                                           |
|    B.A., Political Science    |    Are you tired of politics as usual?    |
|     University of Memphis     |             http://www.lp.org/            |

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