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Re: Having a non-free and a non-cd branch?

>     Right, and that is what I object to.  You are casting your personal bias
> onto a group of people, some of which may not agree with your personal bias. 
> I'm not debating anything else here.  Well, ok, as of this message I am, but
> when I jumped into this thread it was because you were making a blanket
> statement of your bias over a group of people which included me and was
> something I, personally, did not agree with.  I'm happy that, what, four
> messages later you've finally come to the realization that I'm not arguing
> for the inclusion of KDE into Debian, not arguing what is and isn't free, not
> arguing what the DSC and DFSG means to you.  I'm arguing you applying what it
> means to *YOU* to *EVERYONE* associated with it regardless of whether or not
> they agree with you.

Wow, Steve! 
Very nice post! I am very much with you here.

You see, though I agree with you that your way of thinking is correct,
you should have a chance to talk to RMS. He has the answer to your 
questions, also flawed, but still.
Like he says: books are different, if book goes from person to person,
and everyone is allowed to make changes to it (the book is GPL'd) there is no
chance that the book is getting better from this changes. (Implying that
software does get better). So GPL'ing books is a bad thing, GPL'ing software 
is a good thing.

Alex Y.

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