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Re: Strang shutdown mechanism with Debian

In article <[🔎] 19980518202808.A13495@tapiola.infodrom.north.de>,
Martin Schulze <joey@infodrom.north.de> wrote:
>Miquel, now that we know that this is ugly, could we try to
>move the 0+6 Snn stop-scripts to 0+6K90-K99 (S99 could be
>reserved for halt/reboot)?  Just as a longterm goal.  I know that
>it would be difficult and too dangerous to change the behaviour

No, as I said there's not enough space in K90-K99. But the other option
is not too bad - we could indeed extend the runlevels to allow numbers
from 100-999 as well, which would run after 0-99. It would not be strictly
alphabetically anymore though. Or maybe allow hex numbers? KA0 - KAF or
so.. that would keep the alphabetical order in tact.

>This would mean persuading maintainers not to use rc[60].d/Snn
>scripts that need a stop lines.

The only package that uses something like that is mdutils, should be
easy enough to fix.

Maybe in Debian 2.1

 Miquel van Smoorenburg | Our vision is to speed up time,
    miquels@cistron.nl  |   eventually eliminating it.

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