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Intent to package tcputils

Hi guys!

I intend to package tcputils.  Here's the original README file:

> 		  -*- text -*-
> This is version 0.6 of tcputils, a collection of programs to
> facilitate TCP programming in shell-scripts.  There is also a
> small library which makes it somewhat easier to create TCP/IP
> sockets.
> The latest released version can be found by anonymous FTP to
> 	  ftp.lysator.liu.se:pub/unix/tcputils/
> (or at URL:ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/unix/tcputils/ if you
> like that syntax better).
> I myself can be reached by email to bellman@lysator.liu.se.
> The programs included in this release are:
>     mini-inetd        - small TCP/IP connection dispatcher
>     tcpbug            - TCP/IP connection bugging device
>     tcpconnect        - general TCP/IP client
>     tcplisten         - general TCP/IP server
>     getpeername       - get name of connected TCP/IP peer
> Read the file INSTALL for instructions.
> These programs are released into the public domain.  You may do
> anything you like with them, including modifying them and selling
> the binaries without source for ridiculous amounts of money without
> saying who made them originally.
> However, I would be happy if you release your works with complete
> source for free use.
> You're kidding?  You use it, you take the responsibility.
> Local variables:
> fill-column: 65
> End:

/Björn Brenander             http://brenander.pp.se/bjorn/
   Lysator, LiTH             Phone: +46-13260753

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