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Re: Intent to package japhar

>>>>> "Alex" == Alex Yukhimets <aqy6633@acf5.nyu.edu> writes:

    >> Well, we can patch lesstif to work w/ NS 5 and then add Japhar
    >> to it so we have Java again.  Sounds good to me.  Hope NS left
    >> the hooks for Java in.

    Alex> Combining Motif-based NS with JDK
    Alex> linux port would be the best solution now, IMO. Especially
    Alex> taking into account the possibility to have JAVA as a
    Alex> plug-in to Netscape - Sun already released such a plug-in
    Alex> for win32 and Solaris platforms - works with both Netscape
    Alex> (3 and up) and IE (3.? and up). In this case NS (Mozilla)
    Alex> can be in contrib and plug-in in non-free.

Some of us with a vested interested in all this (like me, the jdk
maintainer) are already watching the Mozilla/Java/Jzilla developments.

AFAIK, the hooks to an OpenJava framework have been left in, but there's
no JVM (as Ben has mentioned previously).  Several folks have expressed
interest in an all-Java version of Mozilla, though that's likely to take
a while (first step is to get Mozilla modulerised enough to convert it
into JNI classes).  The rest of us are waiting to see the source before
going further.

Stephen (who's still hoping against hope that Sun will follow NS's licensing)
"Normality is a statistical illusion." -- me

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