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Re: filesystems not unmounted on reboot (was: Re: Two hard-to-find problems)

In article <[🔎] q9ogyxm8u5.fsf@fphp16.tphys.physik.uni-tuebingen.de>,
Brederlow <goswin.brederlow@student.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
>Maybe we should implement something similar to what Redhat does.
>Redhat remounts all file systems that couldn't be unmounted for some
>reason as read-only.

How exactly do they do this? I assume they have a modified mount
command for that.

>Another Good Thing To Do [tm] would be to do a sync before rebooting,
>especially when doing a hard reset when the reboot script fails (as it 
>does when libc6 is installed the first time).

Both reboot and halt call sync() internally, followed by a sleep for
2 seconds, before doing a hard halt or reboot.

 Miquel van Smoorenburg | Our vision is to speed up time,
    miquels@cistron.nl  |   eventually eliminating it.

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