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148 bugreports for package descriptions

Today I'm filing bug reports for the results of my spelling check over
the package descriptions.  I discussed this in January but it took me
some time to get around to it.  All reactions at the time were positive.

The reports are all in the form of diffs over the debian/control files
in the source packages.  It seemed to me that this format would be the
easiest to handle for the maintainers.  The control files on which the
diffs are based are a bit old (from January), but I decided that it
was better to file the results now than to wait even longer while I
bring them up to date.

They have all been sent to maintonly@bugs.debian.org, to avoid sending
multitudes of fairly similar reports to the bugs mailing list.  I will
include a list of packages at the end of this mail.

Not all of the corrections (suggestions) in the diffs are spelling errors.
When I was done with the spelling check, I took a second look at the
patched control files (the ones for which I would be filing bugreports
anyway), and tried to improve them further.

I have done my best, but English is not my native language.  There may
well be mistakes in my corrections.  Please use your own judgement in
applying these diffs.

Richard Braakman

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