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Re: 148 bugreports for package descriptions

Richard Braakman wrote:
> They have all been sent to maintonly@bugs.debian.org, to avoid sending
> multitudes of fairly similar reports to the bugs mailing list.  I will
> include a list of packages at the end of this mail.

Argh I hate it when I forget to include attachments.

2utf                equivs              netris              so-far
abc2mtex            exmh                netscape3           splitvt
abuse-lib           fakeroot            netscape4           squake
alias               festival            newsgate            ssh
amanda              festlex-oald        nextaw              ssleay
anacron             fortune-mod         nfsroot             ssltelnet
angband-doc         g77                 nis                 stow
apcd                gnats               nmap                strace
asa                 gnome               nn                  svgalib-bin
ascd                grep                omirr               sysutils
ascdc               gv                  omniorb             termcap-compat
asp                 gwm                 opie                textutils
atari-fdisk         hwb                 pcmcia-cs           thrust
ax25utils           icewm               pente               timedate
binutils            icont               perlmagick          tix41
biss-awt            ipmasq              pgcc                tnt
browser-history     jed                 pinepgp             uutraf
casio               joe                 pj96n07             wdiff
cdtool              journal-dev         ppd-gs              wmaker
circus              kdemultimedia       pppupd              wordnetdoc
ctwm                kdeutils            procmeter           xaos
cvs-buildpackage    kmodplayer          pstoedit            xaw-wrappers
debmake             leafnode            pvm                 xaw3d
des-solnet          lee                 python-base         xcolorsel
dhttpd              lesstif             python-extclass     xemacs19
dialog              lg-issue09          qt1g                xemacs20
distributed-net     lg-issue15          radiusd-livingston  xfaces
doc-linux-es        libcompfaceg1-dev   rc564               xless
doc-linux-it        libdb2              rsync               xlib6
dpkg-ftp            libgd1g             rsynth              xntp3
dpkg-mountable      libnfslock          rvplayer            xpilot
dunc                logwrites           sane                xquake
e2fsprogs           lpr                 seesat5             xscavenger
elvis               maplay              shhopt              xvmount
epan                mp3info             sinuskey-login      yabasic
epic                musixlyr            slib                yforth
epic4               net-acct            slice               zsh

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