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Re: Possible new name for "deity"

As many of you are making suggestions, I will make mine too.  I sent it
to Bruce a couple of days ago, but got no reply.  (Maybe he just found
it stupid...).  Anyway, here it is:

       UPMOST = Ultimate Package Manager for Operational System

As you see, I cannot find a appropriate verb for the "T" letter ("trove"
will not do...).  My rationale: the final version of Deity will be one
of the uppermost things to happen in the free-software (should I say
Open-Source?) community.

There is a drawback in my proposal, though: "upmost" is an adjective and
not a noun.  It will be hard (if not impossible) to refer to it as "the


Rafael Laboissiere
Institut de la Communication Parlee | Email: rafael@icp.inpg.fr
UPRESS A CNRS 5009 / INPG           | Voice: +33
46, av. Felix Viallet               |   Fax: +33
F-38031 Grenoble CEDEX 1 France     |   URL: http://www.icp.inpg.fr/~rafael

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