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Re: Possible new name for "deity"

> I don't recall the reason that the name `deity' is being abandoned, I
> probably missed the email that explained why. I like it. Anway, if you
> must have a name how about `umanage', the tag line could be `You manage
> it with umanage'. I guess "u" could stand for either Unix or Universal
> depending upon the deity team's intentions (only manage Unix boxes or
> others too?)

It isn't necessarily being abandoned.  It's still a viable name (my
personal favorite, but then I'm the one that came up with it.).  This is
just a brainstorming session for other possibilities.

Personally, I think the objections of "Deity" are insufficient to choose
a different name.  It's not that I disrespect the opinions of those who
don't like it, but it's just not possible to please everyone.  I'm 100%
certain that if we were tying to name the entire distribution, there
would be objections to both "Debian" _and_ "Linux".  For what reason,
I don't know, but there is _always_ somebody who doesn't like it.  But
since both of those names are entrenched, everybody seems to think they're
just fine.

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

 Don't marry someone you can live with.  Marry someone you can't live without.

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