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Re: /etc/environment

On Wed, Feb 25, 1998 at 08:06:02PM -0500, Jeff Sheinberg wrote:

>     I think it's a great idea to be able to specify an environment
> from /etc/environment that is setup before any shell does its
> .profile thing.  But, I would wager a guess that the problem that
> is being attemped to be solved is this one:
>     With a console login, your shell sets up your .profile, with
>     an xdm login, your .profile is not set up.

No, it isn't that one. With a console login, /etc/environment is parsed (by
login, before your shell starts, so it's nothing to do with your .profile).
With an xdm login, it isn't. That's the problem I solved.

The .profile issue is entirely separate (and I do the same as you). But what
about people who have things like fortune and mail and quota checks in their

>     Many people try to solve this problem by having their xterms
> tell the shell that it is a login shell.  But this doesn't help
> programs launched from x window menus at all.

No; it's good for things like fortune and quota checks. It isn't good for
your environment.

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