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Re: Directory Organization for Sub-Architectures?

> Yes, it's not a complete solution, but it could at least get the
> packages into the distribution.

They're already in the distribution, currently using various kinds of

 - The Atari-only packages setsccserial and nvram check in their
   preinst that the install machine is an Atari (via /proc/hardware).

 - The {amiga,atari-,mac}-fdisk packages work together so that they
   don't have common files, and they create (in postinst) a symlink
   /sbin/fdisk -> $mach-fdisk if it doesn't exist yet, where $mach is
   extracted from /proc/hardware.

> Rather than a seperate field, we could just seperate it with some
> character, for example `Architecture: m68k/amiga'. That actually has
> an advantage that running an old dpkg on an atari, for example,
> would just refuse to install. It would incorrectly install it if you
> did with a second Subarchicture field. A new dpkg running on amiga
> would accept both `Architecture: m68k' and `Architecure:
> m68k/amiga'.

I have had that idea of '/'-separated sub-archs, too :-) But I later
dropped that because I thought it could be hard to get that new
definition of Architecture: in all the other tools (dpkg-genchanges,
..., which all look at the Arch: field).

The case of a non-subarch-supporting dpkg could also be handled by
calling dpkg --assert-subarchs-supported in the preinst of packages
needing it.


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