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idea for a new debian mailserver?

Hi there,

I am a maintainer now for about a month and
I noticed that a lot of my time goes into upgrading my
hamm installation. I have to spent 1-2 hours a week trying to
keep in sync with the latest packages.

It would be nice if the time I have to use for upgrading
would be freed for developing.

Here is an idea:

Could a mail service be set up, so new packages that
arrive in the new distrubution (which have passed
incoming) are mailed to developers?
The mail server would need to have some kind of
intelligence, I should be able to tell him what
packages I want (e.g. only binaries, only diffs or 
just everything) and what kind of encoding to use.
On my pc, where I have debian running, the mail
will be piped through a script which will:

1) save the package on the disk, if I want.
2) automatically upgrade my system, if I want.
3) notify the sysop of the newly arrived package.
4) notify if any packages have been installed.
5) notify if any errors have occured.

There would have to be a kind of exception possibility,
e.g. a file which has a list of packages which should NOT
be upgraded automatically (because they break
easily or because it is a package compiled by the user).

What y'all think of this here idear?

Joop Stakenborg PA3ABA

Linux hamradio software map: http://huizen.dds.nl/~pa3aba
( =========== Still under construction =================)

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