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Moving files between packages without --force-overwrite

   While cleaning up some lintian bugs I ran into this problem:
I want to move some files between two binary packages (same source).
The new packages can be installed on a clean system, but they conflict
with the old packages due to the file overlaps.  Files are going both
ways, and one package depends on the other.
   If the dependent (-dev) package is removed, the upgrade can occur, but
declaring a Conflict and making the user go through multiple select steps
seems like overkill.  Perhaps dpkg without --force-overwrite could be
relaxed in this case (if the conflicting file is due to be deleted when
another package is upgraded). 

Dr. Drake Diedrich, Research Officer - Computing, (02)6279-8302
John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University 0200
Replies to other than Drake.Diedrich@anu.edu.au will be routed off-planet

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