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Re: Grub question...

>>>>> "RB" == Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> writes:

  RB> I used GRUB for the first time the other day to get me out of a
  RB> bind when renumbering devices on my SCSI bus.  I was quite
  RB> impressed, but there were a couple of things that were a little
  RB> funny.

I've been using it as my bootloader for several months now. It's a lot
more convenient when your just changing kernels of the same version,
and that nifty textmode graphic screen is lots easier to mess with :)

  RB> First GRUB doesn't do anything about the root partition as far
  RB> as the kernel goes.  If you don't specify one explicitly on the
  RB> command line, it uses whatever's in the kernel (via rdev).

This is true; however, you can change the root device in the kernel
with rdev (at least I think that's the name of the tool)

  RB> Second, it wasn't clear how you'd boot a DOS drive if you needed
  RB> to, and it wasn't clear whether or not GRUB is capable of the
  RB> kind of disk remapping that LILO can do (i.e. swapping drive C
  RB> and D for DOS).

As far as booting a DOS drive, I have this little stanza in my menu.lst:

title=		Windows 95
root=		(hd0,0)
chainloader= (hd0,0)+1

Not sure what you mean by remapping drives though. I never managed to
notice that feature of LILO.


  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
  vizzie@airmail.net / http://web2.airmail.net/vizzie/
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