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Re: Netscape "Unlimited Distribution" program: the nitty-gritty

On Fri, Jan 23, 1998 at 01:06:29PM -0500, Christopher C. Chimelis wrote:

> This gets worse.  If this is the final agreement regarding this, then
> it'll have to remain in non-free.  See Section 2(a) parts (i) and (ii). 
> If I'm reading this correctly (I'm no lawyer, fyi), then the product can
> only be distributed in binary and exportable form.

It is (as far as I know) the final agreement regarding this.

It is, however, absolutely nothing to do with the source licence that will
be used for version five when that is released.

> I doubt that this is the final agreement regarding the source, though,

Yes it is, they have no plans whatever to release the source for the current

It's only the new version that source will be available for.

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