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Re: Netscape "Unlimited Distribution" program: the nitty-gritty

Larry Gilbert wrote:
> http://home.netscape.com/comprod/netscape_partner_programs/browser_distrib/application.html
> See section 4, "Reports."  They require redistributors to give a quarterly
> report of the number of copies of Netscape browsers distributed (similarly
> to what Microsoft requires of Internet Explorer distributors).
> I suppose this could be tracked with the collective Debian FTP server logs
> for the on-line downloads, but what to do with the CD-ROM copies?  Unless
> of course we keep it in "non-free"... *sigh*

This gets worse.  If this is the final agreement regarding this, then
it'll have to remain in non-free.  See Section 2(a) parts (i) and (ii). 
If I'm reading this correctly (I'm no lawyer, fyi), then the product can
only be distributed in binary and exportable form.

I doubt that this is the final agreement regarding the source, though,
since this is the same "partner programs" license that they've had for
over a year which allows sites to distribute and/or bundle the binary
forms of their browsers and products.

> Also, export restrictions still apply and the 128-bit-security version
> still can't be allowed outside the US.  (But of course we can't blame
> Netscape for that. :-))

As always...  :-)


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