Re: restrictions on making books from docs
On Tue, Jan 20, 1998 at 09:48:03PM -0600, Chris Lawrence wrote:
> G John Lapeyre wrote:
> [non-modifiable docs and DFSG]
> I believe some part of TeX comes under a license that is similar to this.
> My understanding is that it's considered DFSG-compliant.
TeX is a special case.
It generally allows changes, but you have to rename the changed file.
Read legal.txt.gz for the full story.
> We also have documentation under doc/ that is under the LDP license, which
> doesn't allow modified redistribution. Maybe we need to clarify DFSG wrt
> documentation (or has this been addressed and I'm just a moron?).
I just looked to the sag copyright statement, and it looks OK for me.
(Is sag's copyright statement identical to the LDP's one?)
David Frey (51F35923114FC864 7D05FF173C61EFDE)
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
-- Henry Spencer
David Frey (51F35923114FC864 7D05FF173C61EFDE)
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
-- Henry Spencer
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