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Re: restrictions on making books from docs

On Jan 20, G John Lapeyre wrote:
> 	I am looking at  a license which is free except for a restriction
> on making a book from the docs. I can't find this issue addressed
> specifically anywhere.  I seem to remember seeing it mentioned earlier
> this fall.  Is there a policy on this ?  I suppose I can separate all the
> docs and put them in another package, although it wouldn't be a reasonable
> thing to do otherwise.

I believe some part of TeX comes under a license that is similar to this.
My understanding is that it's considered DFSG-compliant.

We also have documentation under doc/ that is under the LDP license, which
doesn't allow modified redistribution.  Maybe we need to clarify DFSG wrt
documentation (or has this been addressed and I'm just a moron?).

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